

産品中心您現在的位置:首頁 > 産品展示 > 液相色譜柱 > 離子色譜柱 > Dionex IonPac AS11-HC-人習4μm 陰離子交換柱

Dionex IonPac AS11-HC-船事4μm 陰離子交換柱



Dionex IonPac AS11-HC-4μm 陰離子交換柱

Dionex IonPac AS11-HC-報錯4μm 陰離子交換柱

使用新型 Thermo Scie錯綠ntific? Dionex? Io視好nPac? AS11-HC-4μm 毛細管分析柱和保護柱,可在分離複雜基子黃質中的有機酸和無機陰離子時(shí),獲得色譜分析速劇科度和分離度的*組合。 這(zhè)種(zh子也ǒng)高容量、高效率色譜柱可對(duì)複雜樣煙些(yàng)品基質内的多種(zhǒng計錯)有機酸和無機陰離子實現分離。 與 Thermo Scienti老到fic? Dionex? Io票章nPac? AS11-HC 色譜柱相比,這(zhè)種(zhǒng低門)色譜柱使用更小的樹脂顆粒以提高分離效率,從而提高峰積分的準确度并獲得更可靠的廠票結果。




複雜樣(yàng)品基質(如:化學(x快東ué)廢水以及包含各種(zhǒng)無機說女陰離子和有機酸的發(fā)酵液)可使用高分辨率 Dio黃厭nex IonPac AS11-HC-4μm 算門柱進(jìn)行分析。 适用的分析物包括:

  • 一價和二價有機酸

  • 複雜樣(yàng)品基質或未知樣(歌西yàng)品中的有機酸和無機陰離子


  • 便于進(jìn)樣(yàng)更高濃度樣(yà姐業ng)品,同時(shí)不會(huì)導緻柱過(guò)載或峰展寬


  • 可將(jiāng)應用從 Dione要信x IonPac AS11-HC 柱輕松轉移至 4μm間行 柱

  • 選擇性與 Dionex IonPac AS11-HC 柱相似

  • 色譜峰分辨率提高,結果更*

  • 可改善一價羧酸(包括奎尼酸鹽、乳酸鹽、乙酸鹽、白了丙酸鹽、甲酸鹽和丁酸鹽)的分離效果


Dionex IonPac AS11-HC-4μm 柱提供文站 3 種(zhǒng)規格: 4x25動月0 mm、2x250 mm 和 0.4x250mm。 毛細管柱可減少下錯淋洗液消耗量,從而有助于降低運行成(ché的雪ng)本。


用于Dionex IonPac AS11-HC-4μm 柱的更小樹脂顆電日粒可在标準流速下産生超過(gu火新ò) 3000 psi 的反壓。 行土在标準條件下運行該柱時(shí資報),必須使用一台高壓毛細管離子色譜系統,例如,Ther拍麗mo Scientific? Dionex? ICS-500體慢0+ HPIC? 或 Dionex ICS-4000關事 Capillary HPIC 系問農統。


  • 請使用 Thermo Scientific? Dionex? IonPac大物? AS11 柱,對(duì)已知樣(yàng)品中的有機酸和陰離子進(jì來明n)行快速分析

  • 對(duì)于高離子強度樣(yàng)品中的有機紙遠酸,請使用 Thermo Scientific? Dionex? IonPa車道c? ICE-AS1 或 ICE-A生區S6 柱



Dionex IonPac AS11-HC-4μm 陰離子交換柱


Analytical   Colu街通mns
Dionex IonPac AS11-HC-4化朋μm Capillary Colu紅科mn (0.4 x 250 mm)078031
Dionex IonPac AS11-HC-4μm Analytical微謝 Column (2 x 250 mm)078035
Dionex IonPac AS11-HC-4μm們子 Analytical Column如內 (4 x 250 mm)082313
Guard   Columns
Dionex IonPac AG11-HC-森吃4μm Capillary Gua現跳rd Column (0.4 x 50 mm)078032
Dionex IonPac AG11-HC-4μm Guar我廠d Column (2 x 50 mm)078036
Dionex IonPac AG11-HC-4μm Guard Co秒通lumn (4 x 50 mm)078034



Higher Resoluti得謝on of a Large Number of Ino就藍rganic Anions and Organic Acid 動頻Anions in Complex Matrices with Small謝理er Particle Columns

Achieve the optimal combination 日知of chromatographic 可森speed and resolution using the 水可new Thermo Scientific? Dionex? IonPac? AS11-HC-4μm anion-exchange 動雜column. This high-capacity, high-effici黑厭ency column provides excellent去現 resolution of a large num呢看ber of organic acids and inorga麗飛nic anions in complex sample mat長少rices. Compared to the p輛商revious Dionex IonPac AS11用畫-HC column, the 睡弟new anion-exchange column西我 uses smaller resin particl為去es for more efficient separations resu是了lting in more accurate peak integra謝短tion and more reliable res在吧ults. It has similar selectivity an化一d increased peak efficiencies comp作光ared to the Dionex IonPac AS11-HC 草低and was specifically designed 做開to resolve a large numb制河er of inorganic anions a窗人nd organic acids in a 現笑single run using a hydroxide gradient. 草下Applications run on 花現the Dionex IonPac AS弟的11-HC column can be easily t村呢ransferred to the Dionex 就如IonPac AS11-HC-4μm column wit跳算h the benefit of 空玩increased peak resolutio得為n, which provides more consistent 藍算results. The Dionex IonPac AS11-HC-4農文μm column is available in學東 three formats; 4 × 250 mm, 店海2 × 250 mm and 0.4 × 250 冷跳mm. The capillary format pro麗遠vides reduced eluent consumption, which照雜 helps reduce oper窗日ating costs.

  • Increase chromatographic resolutio舊又n and quality of re空從sults

  • Use for organic 草日acids and inorgani大身c anions in complex sampl看影e matrices or uncharacterized sam看空ples

  • Recommended for monovalent and 街化divalent organi亮志c acids

  • Use the Dionex IonPac AS兒新11 column for fast analysis of 見大organic acids and anions in匠看 well-characterized sam暗我ples

  • Use the Dionex IonPac技草 ICE-AS1 or ICE-AS6行靜 columns for organi家什c acids in high-ionic-strength samples水妹

  • High-pressure Thermo Sc舊機ientific Dionex IC從雜S-5000+ HPIC? or ICS-4000 HPIC syst工國em is required to run at s愛電tandard flow rates.

The high-capacity Dionex IonPac AS11-HC哥國-4μm column allows injec黑木tion of more concentrated samples witho黃媽ut column overloading or peak broade村懂ning, and provides improved愛地 separation over the Dionex IonPac A音是S11-HC column for mon兒們ovalent carboxylic acids, includ我身ing quinate, lactate, acetate, p醫志ropionate, formate, and b信熱utyrate. Complex sample mat靜說rices such as chemical wastewater effl什厭uents and fermentation broth 煙了solutions containi湖票ng a variety of inorgani物會c anions and organic acids can b務習e analyzed using the hig船舊h resolution Dion很志ex IonPac AS11-HC-4μ討綠m column.

The smaller resin particles used來年 in the Dionex IonPac AS11-H門議C-4μm column produ土嗎ce a backpressure over 3000 p開很si at the standard fl兵國ow rates. A high-p友在ressure IC system, suc自計h as the Dionex ICS-5000+ HPIC or the ICS-4000 Capillary HPIC站我 is required to operate this colum空答n under standard cond機在itions.

Thermo Scientific? Dionex? IonPac? AS11-HC-4μm Anion-Exc又去hange Column Specif街來ications
DimensionsDionex IonPac AS11-HC-4μm Capil是藍lary Column
0.4 × 250 mm白美
Dionex IonPac AG11-HC-4μm Capill花畫ary Guard Column
0.4 × 50 mm
Dionex IonPac AS11-HC視門-4μm Analytical Column
2 × 250 mm, 4 &到綠times; 250 mm
Dionex IonPac AG1木公1-HC-4μm Guard Column
2 × 50 mm, 4 × 50 mm
Maximum Operating 照答Pressure5000 psi (34 MPa)
Mobile-Phase Compati現票bilitypH 0–14; 0–100% H微司PLC solvents
Substrate CharacteristicsBead Diameter: 4.在那0 μm supermacroporous resin
Pore Size: 2000 ?
Cross-Linking (很靜%DVB): 55%
Latex CharacteristicsFunctional Group答國: Alkanol quater民亮nary ammonium ion
Latex Cross-Linking: 6%
Latex Diameter: 70作愛 nm
Hydrophobicity: Medium Low
Capacity2.9 μeq (0.4 × 250 mm capillary能錢 column)
0.07 μeq (0.4 × 50 mm capi舞為llary guard colu錯師mn)
72.5 μeq (2 &tim藍好es; 250 mm analytical colum錢校n)
1.75 μeq (2 ×樹線; 50 mm guard column)
290 μeq (4 × 250 mm 訊吃analytical colu車火mn)
7 μeq (4 × 50 mm 美信guard column)
Column Construct對分ionPEEK? with 10-32 threaded ferrule-sty說做le end fittings
All components are nonme來你tallic


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